Guide Lines

Instructions on how to start contributing to vue-testimonials

contributions welcome

Thank you so much for considering giving a contribution to this project 🎉

Note: Contributions are very welcomed, however is very important to open a new issue using the issue template before you start working on anything, so we can discuss it before hand

Fork the project and enter this commands in your terminal

$ git clone
$ cd vue-testimonials
$ yarn

Commitlint 🤓

This project follows the commitlint guidelines, with minor changes

You can commit using yarn commit to help you with that

There's a pre-push hook that checks for lint errors before you can push it

If an error occurs, you can use the yarn commit:retry command that runs the previous yarn commit that you already filled

Storybook 📕

For visual testing, this project contains storybook which you can use by running the next command:

$ yarn storybook

Test ✅

Before making the PR, if you changed something that needs to be tested, please make to add the necessary tests inside the lib/component/index.spec.js

To run the tests, you can use the next command:

$ yarn test

It will start at http://localhost:4000

Documentation 📖

Anything related to documentation should be updated in the same pull request

All documentation are located inside the docs folder

To get it up and running, run the following commands:

$ yarn && yarn dev

It will start at http://localhost:4000

Support ❤️


If you like the project, consider giving it a star


Created by @guastallaigor

Documentation is a fork of Nuxt/Image