
How to add vue-testimonials in your project

Add vue-testimonials as a project dependency:

yarn add vue-testimonials
npm install vue-testimonials --save

You can then import the component in your main.js:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import VueTestimonials from 'vue-testimonials'
import 'vue-testimonials/dist/style.css'

const app = createApp(App)
You can now start using <vue-testimonials> in your Vue 3 (or Vite) project ✨
Remember that Vue Testimonials only supports Vue 3 (and Vite) projects!


Behavior and API changes might happen in 0.x releases of this component. Update with caution.


If an error occurs during installation:

  • Ensure using LTS version of NodeJS or latest update of 12.x, 14.x or 16.x (NodeJS Downloads page)
  • Try to upgrade to latest versions:
yarn upgrade vue-testimonials
npm up vue-testimonials
  • Try recreating lock-file:
rm yarn.lock && yarn
rm package-lock.json && npm i
  • If none of the above worked, please open an issue with detailed information and reproduction link whenever possible.